LC BIDDING Advantage

  • Buyers & Sellers

    Working Capital Solution for Buyers & Sellers

    Both buyers and sellers, irrespective of industry and location, get an opportunity to raise funds online at an attractive discounting interest rates with the liberty to choose the bank and in quick turn-around time.

  • Helps Lenders

    Helps Lenders Reach Borrowers

    Banks can grow their consumer base without much effort and investment through LCBIDDING.COM. the portal allows lenders to choose the borrowers after proper risk assessment and readily available KYC and financials verification.

  • Hassle free

    Hassle free LC Discounting

    LCBIDDING.COM takes the whole process of LC discounting online reducing cost, time and effort. with the online portal, businesses and bank can manage LC Discounting approval and payments more efficiently.

  • End-to End Support

    End-to End Support

    LC Bidding offers end to end support with regards to documentation and finalizing terms of LC, backed by a team specialised in LC discounting. This helps to reduce mistakes, speed up process and cut costs.


  • LCBD Benefits

    Best Interest

  • LCBD Benefits


  • LCBD Benefits

    Turnaround Time

  • LCBD Benefits
